Recruitment to various posts under various departments to CADC to continue

In pursuance of decision taken by the Executive Committee in its meeting held on 9/2/2022, the Executive Committee of Chukma Autonomous District Council is pleased to direct the Recruitment Committee constituted to recruit Assistant (Non-Gazetteed), UDC, LDC, C/A-I, C/A-II and Group – D posts, 2021-2022 under different departments of Chakma Autonomous District Council, to resume the ongoing process of Recruitment which was put on hold as per the direction of the Hon’ble Governor of Mizoram Vide L/No. F.12013/11/2022-DC&MA(C) Aizawl, the 19th January, 2022 . The committee should complete the entire recruitment process and submit the report to the undersigned latest by 23rd February, 2022.

Chief Executive Member
Chakma Autonomous District Council