The rate of fees and other charges for obtaining the required information has been fixed as under:
- Application fees:                                                             Rs. 20 – per application.
- Other fees and charges:
Sl. No. | Details of information required | Price in Rs. | ||||||||||||
1. | Any information available in the form of publication | Actual price of publication | ||||||||||||
2. |
No fees and charges shall be payable by a person belonging to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) families.
As per notification issued vide No.F/12011/1/2018/CADC(RTI) dated Kamalanagar, 29th August, 2018, RTI applications shall not be accepted through electronic means for the time being, owing to non-reliability of internet connectivity at Kamalanagar. RTI applications shall continue to be accepted in person or through post.