On the recommendation of the Recruitment Committee and in the interest of public service the Executive Committee of Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to order the appointment to the various posts under CADC as given under.
Recruitment related advertisements, notifications, orders and updates will be available here.
Appointment of 4th Grade / Peon under CADC
On the recommendations of the Recruitment Committee and in the interest of public service the Executive Committee of the Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to order the appointment of the following persons to the post of 4th grade/peon.
List of selected and waitlisted candidates for various posts under CADC
Based on the open competitive examination and personal interview conducted by the Recruitment COmmittee, Chakma Autonomous District Council, the list of selected candidates in order of merit as shown in Annexure – A, B, & D, for recruitment to the post of Group B (Non Gazetted) & C under Chakma Autonomous District Council is hereby notified for information of all concerned.
List of selected and waitlisted candidates for Group D posts
Based on the personal interview conducted by the Recruitment Committee, Chakma Autonomous District Council, the list of selected candidates in order of merit for recruitment to the post of Group – D (as shown in the annexure – D) under Chakma Autonomous District Council is hereby notified for information of all concerned.
Schedule of Personal Interviews for various posts under CADC
In continuation of notification issued vide No.a.12032/1/2021-2022/RC-CADC(G)/758 dt. 19/01/2022, it is notified for information of all concerned that Personal Interview shall be held as per schedule given below:-
18/02/2022 (From 8:00 AM onwards) | : | 4th Grade. |
19/02/2022 (From 8:00 AM onwards) | : | Assistant (Sl.No. 1 to 18 ) |
UDC (Sl. No. 1 to 21) | ||
LDC (Sl. No. 1 to 41) | ||
20/02/2022 (From 8:00 AM onwards) | : | LDC (Sl. No. 42 to 103) |
C/A-I (Sl. No. 1 to 5) | ||
C/A-II (Sl. No. 1 to 3) |

Corrigendum to Advertisement inviting applications for the post of Peon-cum-Chowkidar
In the advertisement floated vide L/No.A.12024/01/2022-CDC(MSED)/ 629, Dt. 14/2/2022 for recruitment to the post of Peon-Cum-Chowkidar. The number of vacancies may e read as 56 (fifty-six) in stead of 55 (fifty-five) as reflected in the first page of the said advertisement.
Further, the name of Parva-III Middle School, Parva-III inadvertently appeared at SI.No.45 in the Annexure of the said advertisement may be read as Bondukbanga Upper Primary School, Bondukbanga. And the name of Vaseitlang-I Comprehensive Middle School, Vaseitlang-I shall be placed at SI.No. 56 (fifty-six) of the said Annexure.
Main Advertisement Notification : Advertisement inviting applications to the post of Peon cum Chowkider for UPS/Middle & Comprehensive Middle Schools under CADC
Recruitment Committee for post of Peon-cum-Chowkidar
The Executive Committee of Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to constitute a Recruitment Committee for filling up of vacancies of 56 (fifty-six) posts of Peon-cum-Chowkidar against different UPS/Middle & Comprehensive Middle Schools under Chakma Autonomous District Council with the following members:
1. Chairman | : | Executive Secretary |
2. Member Secretary | : | Education Officer (M/S) |
3. Members | : | i) Sr. FAO |
ii) Education Officer (P/S) | ||
iii) Planning & Development Officer |

Advertisement inviting applications to the post of Peon cum Chowkider for UPS/Middle & Comprehensive Middle Schools under CADC
Applications are hereby invited in the prescribed form from the interested candidates for filling up the vacancies of 55 (fifty five) posts of Peon cum Chowkider (Grade-IV) against different UPS/Middle & Comprehensive Middle Schools under.
Issue of Application Forms | : Middle School Education Department (15 Feb 2022 onwards during office hours) |
Age Limit | : 18 years – 35 years (relaxable by 5 years for ST/SC) |
Educational Qualifications | : Minimum Class-VIII pass |
Last Date of Receipt of Application | : 25 February 2022 5:00 PM |
Corrigendum: Corrigendum to Advertisement inviting applications for the post of Peon-cum-Chowkidar
Re-shceduled dates for Personal Interview for various posts under CADC
This is to notify for information of all concerned that, the Personal Interview for the posts of Assistant (Non-Gazetted), UDC, LDC, C/A-I, C/A-II and Group – D posts under different departments of Chakma Autonomous District Council which was earlier postponed vide this office L/No. C.31018/1/2019-2020/CADC(G)/764 dt. 20/01/2022 is hereby rescheduled under:-
Date | : 18th & 19th February, 2022 |
Time | : 8:00 AM onwards |
Venue | : CADC Rest House, Conference Hall, Kamalanagar |
- All candidates should maintain social distance and wear mask in the examination centre.
- Candidates should bring their Admit Card/Aadhaar Card/ Voter ID to interview hall.
Refer Notifications:
- Personal Interview for recruitment to various posts under CADC postponed
- Candidates qualified for Personal Interview to various posts under CADC

Recruitment to various posts under various departments to CADC to continue
In pursuance of decision taken by the Executive Committee in its meeting held on 9/2/2022, the Executive Committee of Chukma Autonomous District Council is pleased to direct the Recruitment Committee constituted to recruit Assistant (Non-Gazetteed), UDC, LDC, C/A-I, C/A-II and Group – D posts, 2021-2022 under different departments of Chakma Autonomous District Council, to resume the ongoing process of Recruitment which was put on hold as per the direction of the Hon’ble Governor of Mizoram Vide L/No. F.12013/11/2022-DC&MA(C) Aizawl, the 19th January, 2022 . The committee should complete the entire recruitment process and submit the report to the undersigned latest by 23rd February, 2022.
Chief Executive Member
Chakma Autonomous District Council