
Sanction for financial assistance under PMMSY 2023-2024 (CSS)

The Executive Committee of the Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to accord sanction amounting to Rs.23.40 lakhs only to the selected beneficiaries listed in Annexure-A & B to avail financial assistance out of PMMSY Scheme 2023-2024 (CSS), 1st installment against the total amount released of Rs.26.19 lakhs only from the Directorate of Fisheries, Govt. of Mizoram, Aizawl vide No.B.23026/16/24-DTE(FS-PMMSY)/1 Dt.28/08/2024 as per details shown below:

DC Lawngtlai visits CADC; interacts with officials.

Kamalanagar, March 5, 2024: Dg. Cheemala Siva Gopal Reddy, the Deputy Commissioner of Lawngtlai District came on a one-day visit to Kamalanagar today, the headquarters of CADC, where he was accorded a warm welcome at the CADC Rest House, Kamalanagar, by the staff of the various departments of CADC.

There he held a meeting with the Executive Secretary of CADC and the Heads of Departments. He expressed concern at the abysmally low literacy rate (46.38%) of the CADC area which stood in contrast to the healthy state average of 91.33%. The Education Officer informed him the reasons; foremost among them being the lack of infrastructure with 70% of the schools being in dilapidated condition, along with shortage of teachers and inadequate avenues for higher secondary studies especially in the science and commerce streams. He also highlighted certain socio-economic practices which hamper the education of the children, such as the tendency of the parents to withdraw their children from the schools during the harvest season.

The Deputy Commissioner also enquired about the output of the primary sectors such as agriculture, fishery, poultry etc. and welcomed suggestions on increasing the output of these sectors.

On the health sector he was informed that CADC has only two Primary Health Centres, one at Borapansury which operates on the PPP model and lacks adequate facilities, whereas the one at Longpuighat is yet to be operationalized. He was also concerned about the relatively low rate of vaccination in the area and sought the help of the local officials in convincing the people of the area to undertake the vaccination of their children in order to help them lead a healthier life.

The Court President & Recorder requested the Deputy Commissioner to arrange for legal training to the staff of the Law & Judicial Department.

Notification inviting applications for assistance under PMMSY

Administrative approval for an amount of Rs.194.00 lakhs (Rupees one hundred ninety four lakhs) only under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) has been received from the Department of Fisheries, Govt. of India, vides F.No.117012/17/2020-Fy (E-17219) Dated the 9th February’ 2024, in respect of Chakma Autonomous District Council during 2023-2024.

In anticipation of sanction of the above mentioned amount, the Fishery Department, Chakma Autonomous District Council invites interested and capable fish farmers to avail assistance against various CSS components of PMMSY.

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Allocation of portfolios to the Executive Members of CADC

In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 30 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 and as amended from time to time, the Chief Executive Member of Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to allocate the portfolios among the members of the Executive Committee of the 11th Chakma Autonomous District Council as shown below with immediate effect.

CEM, CADC visits CADC Fish Seed Hatchery under construction

Kamalanagar, 13 February, 2022: The CADC fish seed hatchery under construction at Dulubonya with funding under MLA Local Area Development Fund, 2021-2022 was visited yesterday by Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma, Hon’ble Chief Executive Member, CADC accompanied by Dg. Amit Kumar Chakma, EM, i/c Fishery, Dg. Lokhidhan Chakma, Dy. Chairman, Dg. Uday Tongchangya, MDC, Dg. Hara Prasad Chakma, DAO and Dg. H. Nutan Chakma, DCFDO.

The construction at a cost of Rs.20 lakhs includes a water storage tank of 45,000 litres capacity, a circular breeding pool, two hatching pools, a spawn collection chamber, a spawn packing cum rest shed, five nursery ponds and one brood fish stocking pond.

The CEM, CADC was all praise for the fishery department, the implementing agency with the quality of work. The CEM expressed the need for construction of a chawkider quarter and fencing the area with wire mesh while assuring the department for fund provision in the CADC budget.

The hatchery will be ready for production within the end of this year and will be inaugurated by Dr. B.D. Chakma, Hon’ble MLA. The hatchery once ready for production will do away dependency on outsourcing of fish seed supply for fish farmers in CADC. It will also be a great source of revenue for CADC. Published by Information & Public Relations Dept., CADC

State Public Information Officers (SPIOs)

In pursuance of the directive received from General Administration & Control Department, Government of Mizoram vide L/No. F.14011/2/2012-GAD(RTI) date Aizawl, the 25th January 2021, the Executive Committee of Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to appoint the following State Public Information Officers (SPIOs) in all the Department of CADC as per Section 5(1) of the RTI ACT, 2005 to provide information under the Act.


List of SPIOs for all Departments under CADC.

Sl.No Department Name & Designation of SPIO Contact No Email
1 Adult Education Nirun Moy Chakma, DAEO 7629064207
2 Agriculture Jagadish Chakma, DAO 8415050924
3 Animal Husbandry & Vety. Jagadish Chakma, DAO 8415050924
4 Arts & culture Bhanu Dhan Chakma, ACO 8974468604
5 Co-operation Jyotir Moy Chakma, ARCS 8974468378
6 Disaster Management, Relief & Rehabilition Shanti Kumar Chakma, RRO 7085930671
7 District School Education Board Roy Manikyo Chakma, Secretary 8974413098
8 Environment, Forest & Climate Change Doya Moy Dhamei, DCCF 7085666954
9 Finance & Accounts Buddhangkur Chakma, Sr.FAO 7628973992
10 Fishery H. Nutan Chakma, DCFDO 8729929473
11 General Administration & Control Chandra Bikash Chakma, Dy. Secretary 8730916140
12 Horticulture Jagadish Chakma, DCHO 8415050924
13 Industry Santosh Chakma, DIO 8730946589
14 Information & Public Relations Kulendra Bikash Chakma, I&PRO 7085914043
15 Land Revenue & Settlement Bipin Bihari Chakma, SRSO 7627911783
16 Law & Judicial Digamber Chakma, CP&R 8729860530
17 Legislative Bipin Bihari Chakma, Secretary, DCS 7627911783
18 Local Administration Inglon Chakma, LAO 7085606956
19 Middle School Education Punya Jagat Talukdar, AEO(M/S) 8131958304
20 Minor Irrigation Jagadish Chakma, DAO 8415050924
21 Planning & Development Prabin Chakma, P&DO 7085520049
22 Primary School Education Gana Chandra Chakma, EO(P/S) 6909288067
23 Public Works Joyan Chakma, EE 9863544863
24 Public Health Engineering Shanti Kumar Chakma, EE 9612322185
25 Road & Transport Sadanand Chakma, DTO 7629814141
26 Rural Development Bijoy kanti Chakma, RDO 8414886283
27 Sericulture Binita Chakma, DCSO 8974687283
28 Social Welfare Jyotsna Chakma, DSWO 8730072563
29 Soil & Water Conservation Doya Moy Dhamei, DCSCO 7085666954
30 Sports and Youth Services Kamaleshwar Chakma, DSPO 8731059908
31 Taxation Rajiv Kumar Chakma, Sr.TO 7830811533
32 Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Shanti Kumar Chakma, UD&PAO 8730916140
33 Water Ways Jyotir Moy Chakma, WTO 8974468378

Updated: 27/02/2024
Please be advised that this data may have changed since it was last updated. Please check with the concerned Department for latest information.