Press Release – 4 Aug 2011

Kamalanagar, 4th Aug: The representatives of the three Autonomous District Councils visit Delhi to press on with their demand to expedite the process of amendment of the 6th Schedule to the Constitution of India for conferment of direct funding status to the 3 ADC’s coupled with enhanced Executive, Legislative & Judicial power. To this effect they have submitted a Memorandum to the Hon’ble Union Home Minister Shri P. Chidambaram. They also met Shri G K Pillai, Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs making him a request for the earliest preparation of the Draft Bill to effect the amendment. Mr. Pillai was also requested to forward copies of the Draft Bill to each of the ADCs before it is being placed on the floor of the House for passing.

The CADC team comprising of Shri Nirupam Chakma, MLA, Shri K K Tong, CEM and Shri Taranisen Chakma, EM called on Shri P K Basu, Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture submitting him the Minor Irrigation Project worth Rs. 24.95 Crores. The team also had an appointment with Shri B K Hendique, Union Minister of DONER and requested him for retention of all the Projects—CADC Secretariat Building, Judicial Building, College Building, & Water Supply Scheme at Kamalanagar—submitted from CADC. B N Malhotra, Director, P&WA (CPWD), informed the team that out of the Rs. 23.42 Crores worth Project of Modernization of Kamalanagar Town, Rs. 16.00 crores have already been accepted and asked them to submit DPR for the rest of the amount. Shri Anwar Ehshan Ahmed, Secretary and Shri Sada Kant, Jt. Secretary, Border Management were also approached with regards to the Sillosora boundary dispute with Bangladesh and for early approval of the pending bills under IBB Fencing compensation.