Kamalanagar, 20 April, 2021: Dg. Durjya Dhan Chakma, Chief Executive Member, CADC today called a meeting of the MNF legislature Party in his office to discuss measures on Covid situation in Chakma Autonomous District Council which has recorded spurt in covid positive cases in the last couple of days.
32 Covid positive cases have been reported in the last couple of days from within CADC most of whom belong to the village of Barkalak. The cases have emerged on a contact tracing hunt and the numbers are still counting. The situation has led the district authorities to moot for setting up of a Covid Care Centre at Kamalanagar with support of CADC.
Todayβs meeting has been called to explore and identify source of fund to manage the current situation that is turning out to be critical day by day.
Dg. Durjya Dhan Chakma, CEM proposed for setting up of a CEM Relief Fund to address any kind of distress situation arising due to natural calamity like flood, fire, cyclone, pandemic, etc.
The meeting has formed a drafting committee to frame a draft guideline which shall govern the operation of the Fund. The CEM stated that outmost importance shall be ensured for transparency of the fund and all transaction shall be made public through the CADC website.
Till the CEM Relief Fund is set up it has been decided that Rs.10 Lakhs shall be disposed out MDC LAD Fund being contribution of Rs.50,000/- by each MDC.
It was also decided that CADC will bear the cost of civil supply ration for the current month for all the households under Barkalak village who are under great hardship and distress being not able to go out of their house while the contact tracing is on by the medical team.
In the meantime, in an order issued today by the Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai District, Barkalak village has been put under Containment Zone which restrict movement of people from and into the village till secondary contacts were being tested.