CADC Monsoon Session, 2011 concludes

Kamalanagar, August 2, 2011: The Chakma Autonomous District Council Monsoon Session 2011, which began on Friday, 29th July, concluded today, with the 2nd and the final sitting.

This Monsoon Session has seen a number of important Bills passed. The CADC (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc) (Amendment) Rules, 2011 was passed with a majority vote with five members from the opposition bench going against the Bill. The Bill was contended with regards to the inclusion of the provisions for two nominated members from the woman and with the vesting in the State Election Commission, the responsibility to conduct election to the District Council. The existing Rule has a provision for only one nominated woman member and so far, elections to the District Council were conducted by Deputy Commissioner on behalf of His Excellency, the Governor of Mizoram.

While the Second Session held today passed the CADC (Village Councils) (Amendments) Rules, 2011, the CADC (Salaries, Allowances & Pension of Members) (Amendment) Rules 2011, the CADC (Salaries, Allowances & Pension of Chairman & Deputy Chairman) (Amendment) Rules 2011 and the CADC (Salaries, Allowances & Pension of CEM & EMs) (Amendment) Rules 2011. The amendment of the CADC Village Council Act 2003 shall provide for a free and fair election under the State Election Commission. So far elections to the Village Council were conducted by the authorities of CADC. Although, power to conduct the Village Council election shall vest in the State Election Commission but the provision for preparation of the Electoral Roll will be retained by the authorities of CADC. The amendment will also facilitate the empowerment of the Village Councils with the subjects listed in the Eleventh Schedule to the Constitution of India. If the amendment gets effective the Village Council will be accountable to the Gram Sabha (all the registered voters of the concerned Village Council) for all its function, expenditure, approval of Plan and approval of Utilization Certificate. Thenceforth, the Village Council will be responsible for the identification and or selection of persons as beneficiaries under the poverty alleviation and other programmes. From this, it is understandable that the objective is to devolve power to the grass root level.